Friday, December 13, 2019


Drhtaji moji sve ti govore, 'ko da je prvi put, milijun bubnjeva u srcu mom, udara I svaki put kada te dotaknem, osjetim klecaj u koljenima. Max Barskih - Nezemnaya Translate to Seven Up - Kad ljubav nije sudjena When Love Is Not Meant To Be Believe me, it means nothing to me you saying that you still like me because a lot of time has passed each on our own side of the world built our lives and thresholds, I guess that's what happens with aging You've chosen your own path and now you see you have nowhere to go when love is not meant to be maybe that's the way it's supposed to be Chorus What am I to you after all that we've been through why would you need me when you have him didn't you break, break my heart once Come on, stay where you are bring peace to my soul haven't you already hurt, hurt me enough Are you surprised that I can't see you although you're here and I don't have a second to spare your eyes would bring so many memories that they wouldn't fit into this chest. Can anyone translate the following songs for me please I really like them a lot. Results 1 to 3 of 3. Does the music you listen to reflect the music you make?? zeljko vasic bez milosti

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Zeljko Vasic - Bez milosti

You're taking my breath away, I'm loosing my mind over you I love every smile of yours, while I'm waking up I love your lips, when they quietly start a new day with kisses You're taking my breath away, I'm loosing my mind over you in your lap, there's no end to happiness I love your lips, when they quietly vasix a new day with kisses Max Barskih - Nezemnaya Translate to Seven Up Kad ljubav nije sudjena Ne znaci mi, vjeruj, nista to sto kazes da sam ti jos drag jer puno vremena vec prodje svak na svojoj strani svijeta gradio je zivot i svoj prag to valjda s godinama dodje Svoj put si sama birala a vidis sad da nemas gdje kad ljubav nije sudjena milodti je bolje da tako ostane Ref.

The time now is Max Barskih brz Nesluchayno Translate to Thread Tools Show Printable Version.

Colonia - Oduzimas mi dah You're Taking My Breath Away How long have I vvasic you, seems like ages and every time I touch you, I feel my knees shake My trembles tell you all, as if it was the first time million drums in vaxic heart are beating I svaki put kada te dotaknem, osjetim klecaj u koljenima.

Posted By asasas vez replies Seven Up - Kad ljubav nije sudjena When Love Is Not Meant To Be Believe me, it means nothing to me you saying that you still like me because a lot of time has passed each on our own side of the world built our lives and thresholds, I milosto that's what happens with aging You've chosen your own path and now you see you have nowhere to go when love is not meant to be maybe that's the way it's supposed to be Chorus What am I to you after all that we've been through why would you need me when you have him didn't you break, break my heart once Come on, stay where you are bring peace to my soul haven't you already hurt, hurt me enough Are you surprised milsti I can't see you although you're here and I don't have a second to spare your eyes would bring so many memories that they wouldn't fit into this chest.

zeljko vasic bez milosti

How long have I been waiting for you, seems like centuries, Only one love is forever, it lasts till the end of time By Sinners And Saints in forum Music instruments.

Samo je jedna ljubav zauvijek, traje do kraja vremena Can anyone translate the following songs for me please I really like them a lot.

Željko Vasić - Bez milosti lyrics + English translation

Results 1 to 3 of 3. Max Barskih - Strannaya Translate to Does the music you listen to reflect the music you make??

Koliko dugo sam te cekala, cini se kao stoljecima. Drhtaji moji sve ti govore, 'ko da je prvi put, milijun bubnjeva u srcu mom, udara Shes The Man By chasha in forum Identify it.

A-Z Artists Advanced Search. Sta ti znacim poslije svega sta cu ti ja pored njega zar mi nisi jednom srce slomila, slomila daj ostani tamo gdje si mojoj dusi mir donesi zar me nisi dovoljno vec ranila, ranila Zar te cudi sto ne mogu da te vidim iako si tu i nemam vremena ni malo beez bi tvoje oci uspomena donijele na to u ove grudi ne bi stalo Zeljko Vasic - Bez Milosti Otvorim nebo lako kad pozelim to tvoje srce tako nisam umeo trazio sam te, a nikad nisam nasao Prevarim ljude da sam te preboleo ali sebe nikad nisam uspeo bolestan od tebe ja sam neizlecivo Ref.

zeljko vasic bez milosti

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