Thursday, December 12, 2019


Sample video footage from nokia cappuccino FM radio To listen to the radio as usual you have to plug in a headset in advance for use as an antenna. For the details can be filled home, company, email, office, fax, birthday, ringtone, group, and photo. Mobile is also supported with Wifi that help you access the Internet through a wifi network. For MMS you can send image files, songs, slides, and data. Body and design The shape of this design is simple and there is only one button that both a trackpad on the front. game nexian g869 cappuccino

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Application and Organizer There are applications that are in demand at this time, facebook, twitter and some messenger like yahoo, msn, skype, nokia, gtalk. Sample video footage from nokia cappuccino FM radio To listen to the radio as usual you have to plug in a headset in advance for use as an antenna. Posted by admin at 3: Infolinks In Text Ads.

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Music player The music player on nokia cappuccino can play a song format mp3, wav. Mobile has been able to open a WAP page. Mobile is also supported with Wifi that help you access the Internet through a wifi network. At the front there nokia logo below the screen and the wifi logo on the top left of the screen. Below is the official specification Nexian NX-G Introduction Nexian NX-G This time nokia released his new phone with touch screen display and resolution 3.

Phonebook For maximum capacity up to phonebook contacts.

game nexian g869 cappuccino

NX-G Review Gallery Display interface Standby yard there are 2 signal indicator and the logo of the two carriers sim card, clock, battery, google search bar at the bottom there is gamme call option, phonebook, messages, menus, and there is a dock side. NexianNexian NX-G Nexian NX-G Review Gallery At the bottom there is a usb port used for data cables, as well as charger, and headset port.

For email there own menu, separate the messaging menu Camera For cappuccino nokia camera phone is equipped with a camera with a resolution of 2 megapixels xthe zoom, multishot 1,3,5 shotappeal Cappjccino the details can be filled home, company, email, office, fax, birthday, ringtone, group, and photo.

game nexian g869 cappuccino

Newer Post Older Post Home. At first glance the model of nokia cappuccino is indeed similar to the nokia android journey, it's just that there are some differences in physical buttons.

Bluetooth, data cable Other features: On the left-right-there is no nothing.

Body and design The shape of this design is simple and there is only one button cappuccno both a trackpad on the front. With brown and beige suit with his name nexian cappuccino. The following images when shooting and the results.

Menu on the home uses a grid of 3 x 4 and there are 3 pages to the navigation could use a touch screen g86 trackpad. Games For congenital game, in this phone there is only one game that is Magic Sushi that you can play at leisure time. Conclusion Mobile touchscreen with a price of around thousand despite the relatively low-end mobile phone has a function that can meet your online needs now though minimal.

There is an equalizer to adjust the music style you like in accordance with his song normal, pop, rock, jazz, dance, classical. For MMS you can send image files, songs, slides, and data.

Nexian Cappuccino G869 Spesifikasi

For mobile browsers could use the default browser and also use opera mini. You do not need to worry about online facebook, browsing, and various instant messenger for all nokia mobile phone has been available in this cappuccino.

game nexian g869 cappuccino

You can store your favorite radio channels to 20 channels. Mobile is what you get with a price of aboutAnd at the top there is a hole for hanging mobile phone and keys to lock and power.

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