Thursday, November 28, 2019


Jugg First and ulti or first and healing ward. Is it just me, or are you completely ignoring the existence of Blood Rite? He's an insanely fast jungler and can just kill anybody with level 6 and some basic items. I can't even remember the last time I won against him. His ult nullifies BS's ult almost completely, and he does a ton of damage in melee range. Assuming that someone on your team can play him properly, then Tinker is probably also a good pick against him. dota 6.84c

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By this he will also loose health but be careful with as your hp will also drain so use it on condition. Nice, dirge getting nerfed again Jason Hamje Jason Hamje 21 2 2 bronze badges.

dota 6.84c

The mid lane makes it fairly easy to avoid the AOE, though -- there are a lot of paths that branch away from mid. Assuming that someone on your team can play him properly, then Tinker is probably also a good pick against him. VG vs Fnatic 1h 22m. Good examples are Clinkz or Huskar.

dota 6.84c

I'd be pretty happy if it turns out Drow Visage is still strong but just trickier to play, it's fun to see but I don't want every bo5 to center odta picking them like the TS3 finals did.

I can't even remember the last time I won against him. Chen change is actually pretty huge: Then you can follow up with auto attacks.

Some heroes could easily also solo-kill him Clockwerk, for instance. Is there anything I can do in lane against him? As this statistically is about every 66.84c match his popularity has ruined Dota 2 for me.

Its too easy to counter him just carry tps with ur self.

Patch c Released! | Dota 2 Blog

Tournaments Midas Mode 2. Arqade odta best with JavaScript enabled. His ult nullifies BS's ult almost completely, and he does a ton of damage in melee range.

Can you think of a way how I can play differently, so that he doesn't kill everybody on my team? One option is to use a hero with even stronger harassment.

dota c lod Archives - Getdota map

Dotabuff says Omni is the worst hero against Bloodseeker. As I am a quite experienced player I tried the obvious things:. The key is using it when BS's team or yours has committed to the fight, but before BS is in melee range of anyone. He's an insanely fast jungler and can just kill anybody with level 6 and some basic items.

Make sure your team has a Mek and make sure that it is being used before anyone breaches Thirst's health threshold in fights. Concern yourself with avoiding the Blood Rite before you do anything else -- being silenced will make you useless in the fight 6.84x all. Axe with Blade mail.

Being able to punish or prevent BS's last hits while maintaining a fair distance is probably the best way to outlane BS. He can do Heavy Damage.

You're saying Omni is very good vs Bloodseeker. Mek is nerfed again.

Patch 6.84c Released!

His ult also trashes BS's blademail, which is BS's usual go-to counter against dangerous melee characters. As I am a quite experienced player I tried the obvious things: How do we handle problem users? Asked 4 years, 2 months ago.

dota 6.84c

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