Saturday, November 30, 2019


It also gives them exposure as well, which is fair I think. The End Of Everything by Plini. Sweet Nothings by Plini. Michal Mikolaj Maslowski go to album. In the next few years it will be two billion more. Sounds like a simple setup! david maxim micic

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“Whatever you have, just try and create with it” – an interview with David Maxim Micic

Who Bit the Moon As being the head and namesake of your band, do you ever feel that dealing with all the management, the press, the organization, maxi becomes too much? The piano and orchestral intros in Bilo 3. Yeah, we discussed the possibility of this tour for the first time maybe 3 years ago. As a former student of Berklee, what is the single most important piece of advice that you would give young or aspiring musicians on music composition, and how to focus their musical energies?

Jakub recorded his albums on Amplitube, the last two records. So yeah, we had plans. I mean previous records did have more vocals, with written lyrics and everything, but none on Who Bit The Moon.

David Maxim Micic

The crew is amazing, all the shows have been packed. Is this due to your upbringing, to the family environment you grew up in? The melodies are beautiful and just maxi fun. He used some really unknown samples for drums, and stuff like that. Is that partially the reason why you mix the bands together when you go on tour, like how Plini did with Intervals?

It depends on the day I guess.

Was the bass live this time, or programmed like on previous releases? So I hated working on that record, it was just a struggle overall.

Do you ever feel like the demand pushed on you by fans is too much?

david maxim micic

View all similar artists. Connect to Spotify Dismiss. A lot of the song titles on Who Bit The Moon suggest very particular stories.

View all trending tracks. The motifs are so thoughtful and successful. This is music I can both workout to, and fall asleep to.

David Maxim Micic

Daviv Cities by Plini. Some young people are suffering from it, thinking they should have the Axe-FX, or they should have the Kemper, or this guitar or that guitar. EGO in particular I really struggled with, because I wanted to write music for the davud of being complex or heavy, or whatever it is. Will you be continuing this on Bilo 4? The End Of Everything by Plini.

Our highlights from Reading Festivalfrom rock and roll to getting rickrolled Fest.

david maxim micic

I dqvid listen to it again and again! After 25 years, Warped Tour makes some noise for one last time Fest. This has been a long time in the making, and a lot of people online, especially on forums and stuff have been saying for years that you and Plini should get together on a tour. From the perspective that I am now, where I finally have some following and people who appreciate what I do… I like to say this on my master classes, to kind of encourage people: Some people will get a response, some people will get mad, some people will understand.

She worked in my room, where I usually work, and it was a complete mess; papers everywhere, cables everywhere, me trying to write some new music not succeeding at allbeing distracted and all that.

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